PURCHASE YOUR JERSEY NOW North Carolina is known for its beautiful diverse landscapes, from the western Appalachian Mountains to the eastern picturesque Atlantic coastline. The Courage have designed this years’ ‘Mountains to Sea’ 2021 kits to create a visual connection for North Carolinians. The home kit representing the sea and the away kit, the mountains. Both the home and away 2021 jerseys for the Courage also feature the North Carolina flag and state motto, “Esse quam videri” which means “To be rather than to seem.” It serves as a reminder of the club’s common purposes which include unifying all people together, creating positive experiences, supporting social change, improving every day, achieving in key moments, and developing players, coaches, and staff. No matter which part of North Carolina, the United States, or the world our fans, players, coaches, and staff call home, we are all unified by the Courage and the shared love of the sport.
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Mountains to Sea: The NC Courage 2021 Kit Embraces the Home State